- Click on the “Run” button to generate your Report.
- Select the option “Directly to Printer” and then click the “OK” button.
- Under the section “Printer”, select the printer “Adobe PDF” from the “Name” drop down list or if using Windows 10, select "Microsoft Print To PDF" as your printer and then click the “OK” button.
- You will be prompted for a location upon where you would like to say the PDF file, browse to your desired location, enter a filename and click the “Save” button.
- You will see a “Creating PDF” box flash up and disappear after a few moments, depending on how large your report is.
- Once this is completed, click on the “OK” button within the “Report Printed” dialogue box.
- Browse to you saved PDF file and double click to open.
Note: Please ensure that the Adobe PDF, Microsoft Print To PDF or a similar printer driver is already installed. Obtain and install a portable document format (PDF) creation program before following steps below. Adobe Acrobat installs PDF Writer and Distiller printer drivers. You can purchase it directly from Adobe Systems, Inc.
There are many free and shareware programs that can create PDF files. For more information about them, use your favorite Internet search engine and search for "create pdf".